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Thursday 8 August 2013

Chúng ta luôn biết rằng 2 nam châm khi gần nhau thì luôn hút hoặc đẩy nhau, vậy thì với sự kết hợp các nam châm với nhau thì chúng ta có thể vượt qua được quan niệm thường thức đó không?
Bạn hãy xem thí nghiệm này, trong đó chúng ta sẽ thấy làm thế nào mà những tàu vũ trụ có thể sử dụng chùm tia bí ẩn - tractor beam để kéo đẩy 1 phi thuyền con khác đi theo mà không cần thiết bị nối trực tiếp.
Thí nghiệm này cũng mô tả rõ hơn lý thuyết của Keshe về lực hấp dẫn đã được đề cập trong một bài viết trước đây.
Cũng như nhà vật lý ứng dụng John Searl, ông đã chế tạo ra cỗ máy năng lượng miễn phí dựa trên lực từ trường như trong  video sau đây:

Thông tin tham khảo tại


Truly the stuff of science fiction! This brand new discovery/invention was only patented in 2012, and everyone here at Grand Illusions has been utterly amazed to see this effect in action.

Basically the main unit, or inverter magnet, has a plastic ring that contains two circular neodymium magnets in the centre, and six smaller ones around the edge. There is then a second, test magnet, which is identical to the two magnets in the centre of the inverter array. 

The magnets are arranged so that the test magnet is attracted to the central magnets in the inverter array, but repelled by the six, smaller magnets around the edge. So given these conflicting forces, what will happen when you bring the two together?

Initially, the two are attracted, since the large magnets work at a greater distance. But then, as they get close, the repulsion starts to work between the test magnet and the six small magnets, and the test magnet stops, leaving a gap between the two! The inverter array and the test magnet are held together in this invisible bond, and you can move one magnet and the other will follow, despite the fact there is an air gap between them. 

This reminds us of the so called tractor beam that occurs in various science fiction movies, where a spaceship can reach out through space and hold another ship or another object locked in an invisible beam!

The inventor did extensive computer modelling of the magnetic fields involved, in order to discover exactly what combination of magnets would work. Only then did he start work on a series of prototypes. 

Most of the toys we feature on our YouTube channel come from Tim's collection, and are not for sale. However this item is available in the Grand Illusions Toy Shop, if you want to have a go for yourself. See http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatal...


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